She Reads She Leads 2025! Launched by Meg Zanker (Chair Hucknall WI), Valerie Dwyer (My Wonderful Life Coach) and Sue Williams (Book Boost) to support IWD 2024 the ‘She Reads She Leads’ initiative was so popular it developed a life of it’s own after IWD, and still continues to support the cause, now with #IWD2025 #AccelerateAction

We kick off this new campaign with a reminder, a Celebration, of the wonderful Authors and Publishers who joined our inaugural event as we ask: Will you join us this year? The offers are already coming in and the demand is higher, so we need you! Say ‘Yes’ in the comments or DM us!

At the close of our previous campaign we said:

#SheReadsSheLeads for #IWD2024 Celebrating Our Amazing Book Donor #Authors

“When women come together to support each other, incredible things happen.”

#SheReadsSheLeads – Taking time out today to Celebrate and again say “Thank You” to our amazing book donor authors and all of the team who are delivering @MegZanker @HucknallWI

Can you guess who our authors are? Do you know their book titles? Have you read any? Can you put a name to the face? In alphabetical order of first name, not by any ranking system

@Cassie Footman @ChristineIngall @DebbieMcLeod @helenliebling @hollyworton @jenniebayliss @jenniferboon @jennymakepeace @jojomiracles @lauracruise @louisebates @luciebradbury @paramjitoberoi @sandrapeachey @sharonbrown @suemcfarlane @suewilliams @valeriedwyer @wendyaridela and more on the way…. Why not look up/visit the authors and check out their potentially life changing and transformational non-fiction books?

What is She Reads, She Leads?

‘She Reads, She Leads’ celebrates, empowers and inspires women in communities through the gift of a book donated by female authors and publishers, with a particular focus on personal development, non-fiction.

Partnering with the Hucknall branch of the Women’s Institute, female authors and publishers show their support for women by donating copies of their books to be wrapped and distributed within Hucknall WI’s community and further afield.  In particular we are reaching women in education, business or who may be facing difficult times. In March we celebrated International Women’s Day, Women’s History Month and World Book Day. When better to empower and inspire women – and now we are living on!

Female Author or Publisher? Interested in donating one or more non-fiction books in return for free promotion? We will feature you, your book and your generous donation in our social media campaign, complete with images and links.

Find out more here: and

#SheReadsSheLeads #IWD #IWD2024 #InternationalWomensDay #InspireWomen #EmpowerWomen #CelebrateWomen #MyWonderfulLifeCoach #Vision #Believe #VisionBelieveAchieve #Coach #Mentor #Mentoring #HucknallWI #BookBoost #Authors #WomenAuthors #Women #Books #womenempoweringwomen #bethechange

BACK – by popular demand! She Reads She Leads 2025!

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