
Be Calm, Time Out, Relax, Step Back…See the #Wonderful Bigger Picture #Vision

When there’s too much to do, too many directions, too many avenues to follow, too many opportunities to take advantage of, in this busy, busy world – Time Out and Step Back to see the bigger picture.

However you show up in the world, whatever happens, the world will go on turning. We either take the time ourselves or the Universe has a way of making sure that it happens – and in no uncertain terms.

We can’t all get into a helpicopter to fly high and look down on what’s happening (when we do though, everything comes into true perspective.

However, there is another way that will focus you. Take a large  white sheet of paper in whatever size fits your dreams, your choice of pens, markers or paints, and then carefully consider the way you want to be, do and have from now on.

Very simplified I know, and I have much more than I can share about this today, here’s a #Wonderful starting point for #Change… more to follow or you can sign up for my ‘Mindset Clutter Clearing’ ebook that prepares you for getting Clarity of #Vision,  #Focus  and #Direction (plus additional forthcoming resources) at www.mywonderfullifecoach.co.uk when this goes live end of October 2016.

Here’s what women entrepreneurs are saying on you tube about how my #holistic #transformational #VitalVision™ Blueprint has changed their lives and businesses  https://www.youtube.com/c/valeriedwyer

For more regular updates follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ValerieDwyer.A1

Look forward to connecting…Have a #Wonderful Day




Be Calm, Time Out, Relax, Step Back…See the #Wonderful Bigger Picture #Vision
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