This book will lead you on a journey of self discovery like no other. I have known Valerie for many years and have seen first-hand the transformation she has achieved for her clients. Valerie has now taken her work and her wisdom and is sharing it with the world in this fabulous, thought-provoking, practical and transformational book. From the personal stories to the guided exercises, this book is a journey into the power of the mind and the opportunity that each and every one of us has to make the changes to ourselves and our lives that we desire.
WOW! You’ve Got This! When a Favourite #Podcaster Reads and Reviews Your #Book – Pre-order is about to Launch – and Invites You For Interview!
We are a When Good…Then Good Business with a #Vision -Who wants to go ‘Back to Normal?’ and WHO is up for a far better ‘New Normal?’ Tune in tomorrow when I’m sharing the Podcast! so you can find out what this is REALLY about and why every copy of the book brings with it a fruit tree planted in Malawi for food and income sources for impoversihed families and also access to books and education for girls in Cambodia.
WOW! When a favourite Author you respect has something great to say about your work! COUNTDOWN is on – any day now! to the Pre-order live for You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps to Reinvent Your Life! the Life-Change #Book #Booklaunch
“When you have a Powerful, Exciting and Crystal Clear #Vision for How You Can Create Your Life and Your World, Everything Changes. And THAT’S When the Magic! Happens!”
I’m So Excited! To FINALLY REVEAL THE #BOOK! For Creating Our ‘New Normal’. Let’s Redesign Your Life And Your World Together, With New Life-Changing Book ‘You’ve Got This – No Matter What! 6 Steps to Reinvent Your Life’, the DIY Manual for Your Personal Transformation!
“A transformational book that inspires you to review & renew your life goals! Valerie has created something special that helps you achieve your goals in a practical and refreshing way. You’ve got to get this book… now! Highly recommended.” Liam O’Connell, Speaker/Consultant/Author -Don’t Feed The Ducks, My Fire’s Gone Out and more….
#Courage! I’m SO Excited! I’m Doing a Happy Dance! Something Powerful Coming Soon! Can You Guess What It Is Yet? It’s Still a Secret Under Wraps But I Can’t Resist Giving You a Sneak Peek of What People Have Been Asking Me For Years!
#Imagine taking just 6 weeks to achieve all this…. And more! #notsayingitseasy but life is #notarehearsal, the clock is ticking, there’s no time to waste AND it is easier when you know how! #Vision #Believe #Achieve
REMINDER! STOP! Right Now! Do You Want a Better World? Then I’ve a Wonderful and Valuable FREE Gift to Share with YOU! It’s entitled ‘OUR TIME TO RISE!’ and I’m SO Excited! I just can’t hide it!…. #Vision #Believe #Achieve – Only 2 Days to sign up!
Because that’s when we’ll be giving you a pre-publication copy of that brilliant new book. It’s called Our time to RISE, and it explains how you can create a better world in step-by-step detail.
And it’s also when we’ve arranged for the authors, our friends Steve Pipe and Paul Dunn, to personally show you how to make it all work brilliantly well in your business.
STOP! Right Now! I’ve a Wonderful and Valuable FREE Gift to Share with YOU! It’s entitled ‘OUR TIME TO RISE!’ and I’m SO Excited! I just can’t hide it!…. #Vision #Believe #Achieve
Just imagine for a moment… what it would feel like knowing that every single time something good happens in your business, something good automatically happens in the world too. And at no cost to you or to anyone else.
OMG! It’s TODAY! #Book #Launch 12noon with Special Pricing 0.99p ‘Ready to Rise! 62 Ways Your Business Can Thrive and Grow in Challenging Times!’
‘Is like Chicken Soup for the Soul – for business owners’ – Are YOU a business owner or entrepreneur who is #ReadyToRiseNow ?