Wow! It’s That Time of Year Again! Delighted to be sending you Season’s Greetings for a Happy Holiday and Wonderful Sustainable #VitalVision2020 Filled New Year!

Season’s Greetings for a Happy Holiday and Wonderful Sustainable #VitalVision2020 Filled New Year!

New! Extraordinary #TrueStories BookLaunch #Women #Believe You Can Live A Life You Love At 50+ #book 20 September 2019

Filled with inspirational stories from 31 heart-centred women, and featuring a whole host of positive quotes, exercises, hints and tips to help women in their fifties and over to build their self-belief, this is a great book to have on your bedside or coffee table. Dip in whenever you feel a need to lift your spirits!

Wow! 13 Minute #Introspection Inspection Mind Exercise + PDF Download Reveal All! #Mindset #Breakthrough! #MoveForward Again!

No matter how much we know, or think we know, it’s oftern easier than we think to remind ourselves of what really works in the field of #mindset, #mindfulness, looking inside and getting back to our core when we get a wobble or explore to pick up some new learning.

Going, going… Do this for an empowered start to your week – Last chance to find out what’s ~really~ holding you back and take Right Action!

by taking these two steps, you’ll have the power to
program yourself for the ones that bring success,
prosperity, well-being and joy into your life:

Delighted! Valerie Dwyer Speaks ‘How To Use #Visioning To Create The Life You REALLY Want!’ to Yes! Group Nottingham Personal Development

Delighted to be invited! Really enjoyed this opportunity to be Guest Speaker, on the bill with Samatha Houghton, (Author, The Invisible Girl) at Yes! Group Nottingham, Personal Development this week. Thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity, thanks to the invitation from Leader,

Wow! I’m SO excited to be Invited! To Speak! ‘How To Use Visioning To Create The Life You REALLY Want! In 3 Simple Yet Powerful Steps’, Nottingham Yes Group, May 15th, 2019.

 I’ll be sharing ‘How To Use #Visioning To Create The Life You REALLY Want! In 3 Simple Yet Powerful Steps’.

#Vision – WIIFM – Why Should I Be Bothered? What Is This Wonderful Power You Have to Create the Impossible and Turn it Into Reality?

#Vision – WIIFM – Why Should I Be Bothered? What Is This Wonderful Power You Have to Create the Impossible and Turn it Into Reality? I am often asked to explain what #Vision really is, in the context of #Leadership

Why Get A #Mentor Who Has… Been There, Done That AND GOT SEVERAL T-shirts? No need to Reinvent The Wheel!

Simon Procter with Karl Lagerfeld, Chanel – Why Get A #Mentor Who Has… Been There, Done That AND GOT SEVERAL T-shirts? No need to reinvent the wheel! As a VIP Private Client Mentor and SUCCESS Coach- currently also a

This Season’s Greetings for #Peace #Joy #Love #Sustainability #Sharing #Caring through #Vision #Believe #Achieve #Succeed

We Are Always Just A Hair’s Breadth From #Success..Opportunities Disguised As Challenges….Keep Going! Never, Ever Give Up On Your #Dream…How?

#Vision #Believe #Achieve So How do You make Your Breakthrough? Prepare to be Vulnerable. Breakthroughs do not come from Strength and Power. You need the #Mindset #Belief #Attitude and #Trust to step forward out of your #ComfortZone The best process


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