At Last! Here it Is! Here’s your FREE preview/look inside for You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps to Reinvent Your Life! Your DIY 6 Steps in 6 Weeks Transformation Programme in a #Book Click to INSTANTLY Preview Now
Hear Melanie Colling Interview Entrepreneur, Coach, Mentor and Author of You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps to Reinvent Your Life! Valerie Dwyer, on Business Connections Podcast about Becoming Powerful By Connecting With Our Selves
Listen in to my interview with Melanie Colling on The Business Connections Podcast Where we talked about my new book ‘You’ve Got This, No Matter What – How to Reinvent Your Life in 6 Steps’, the importance of Making a Decision and the difference between #Change and #Transformation.
Revealed! Exposé #Author Valerie Dwyer Q&A, Why I Wrote This Book, Why Now and Especially Why This #CourageTiger Cover for You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps to Reinvent Your Life!
Overcoming challenges or going through significant change is not easy – but it is easier – when you know HOW. I am confident that I would not now suffer the 2 years of PTSD I had previously from a traumatic event. And so this process I have developed empowers and enables anyone to reinvent their life – WITHOUT having to undergo trauma OR major challenges. However, if you have experienced any of these, then the exact 6 Steps I have set out will work for you. The process is powerful to anyone undergoing a period of change – exactly like we are experiencing now!
WHY I Do What I Do! “When You Have A Powerful, Exciting and Crystal-Clear #Vision for How You Can Create Your Life And Your World, Everything Changes! And THAT’S When the Magic! Happens!” Featuring Chris J Henry MindYerWealthCoach
How do you get the Vision for your life (and your world) when you are at a Crossroads, faced with not enough or too many choices, feeling there’s something missing in your life but don’t know what it is? Read on….
YAY! FINALLY! WE ARE NOW LIVE! Kindle Pre-Order for ‘You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps to Reinvent Your Life!’ #youvegotthistigerbook #book #booklaunch #diylifechangebook
This book will lead you on a journey of self discovery like no other. I have known Valerie for many years and have seen first-hand the transformation she has achieved for her clients. Valerie has now taken her work and her wisdom and is sharing it with the world in this fabulous, thought-provoking, practical and transformational book. From the personal stories to the guided exercises, this book is a journey into the power of the mind and the opportunity that each and every one of us has to make the changes to ourselves and our lives that we desire.
WOW! You’ve Got This! When a Favourite #Podcaster Reads and Reviews Your #Book – Pre-order is about to Launch – and Invites You For Interview!
We are a When Good…Then Good Business with a #Vision -Who wants to go ‘Back to Normal?’ and WHO is up for a far better ‘New Normal?’ Tune in tomorrow when I’m sharing the Podcast! so you can find out what this is REALLY about and why every copy of the book brings with it a fruit tree planted in Malawi for food and income sources for impoversihed families and also access to books and education for girls in Cambodia.
Masterclass: How To End Procrastination And Self-Sabotage Forever – And Rewire Your Brain For Unlimited Success #Mindset
Most importantly, they’ll also show you how to rewire your brain to release its self-sabotaging patterns – and even replace them with empowering ones that dramatically accelerate your productivity, creativity, peace of mind, and even your health.
Did You MISS This? READY to BE Amazed? See What This #FREEMindsetQuiz Reveals…..
Believe it or not, some people are ironically experiencing more freedom and success than ever before.
Not because they’re privileged or have special skills.
But rather because they don’t let their current circumstances dictate their reality.
Free Quiz Discover Your No.1 Freedom Blocker
It’s a simple – but blindingly accurate – quiz that reveals the hidden piece of ‘code’ in your own brain, that’s silently keeping you stuck and cheating you of your fullest human potential.
My Prediction for 2020!? A Visionary, I’m forecasting that #Vision will be the BIGGEST #Trend in 2020
My BIG Prediction for 2020!? A Visionary, I’m forecasting that #Vision will be the BIGGEST #Trend in 2020 #Vision is without a doubt the source of everything and it truly makes Everything that is Possible. But how long has it