LOVE #LBG Burton Women Entrepreneurs Networking Lunch a Big Hit for Woman Power and Vital Vision™!

It’s always a delight to be invited to share some of my journey story, the challenges overcome and experiences as a Serial Entrepreneur, explain about Vital Vision™ Holistic Life and Business Transformation Programmes and do a book signing session for

You’re Invited TODAY! Reprogramme Yourself for SUCCESS! We’ve Got Something REALLY Important to Share With You. Be Quick and Watch This Important Video Right Now…..

Free Masterclass How To Put Your Success on Auto-Pilot FREE BONUS RESOURCES for You When You Click This Image Now to Secure Your Spot on this Eye-Opening Live Webinar.        Limited Places so Apply Now! FREE BONUS RESOURCES for You When

Get The Confidence to Succeed

The Confidence To Succeed: The Power to Be, Do and Have All That You Deserve in Life and Business, Donna Kennedy, ISBN 9781910 921142 Reviewed by Valerie Dwyer, Serial Entrepreneur, Author of ‘Woman Power: Strategies for Female Leaders’,  Entrepreneur Coach,

FREE Yourself From Your Past In 30 Seconds! Discover What Has Been Holding You Back…Until Now! Take this Quiz!

Take this Quiz Now – AND It’s not only about the money! Find out about your Limiting Beliefs and Negative Childhood Imprints that have been, and still, are holding you back from your Biggest Success…And Discover How To Deal With

4 Childhood Experiences You Must Release To Move Forward

Studies on the human mind have proven that as a child, your mind is like a sponge. Everything you see, hear, encounter and experience gets absorbed deep in your subconscious mind, and continues to influence you from behind the scenes

Thank You! Every Little Helps the World Go Around!

Thank You! I LOVE this. It’s a systems world (and Universe). Everything is connected. What goes around, comes around.

Delighted to be Invited! to Inspire at Idea to Enterprise for Women Entrepreneurs in Leicester Friday 18th March 2016!

Delighted to be Invited!! Looking forward with great anticipation to being a keynote speaker at the Idea to Enterprise Women Entrepreneur’s Conference in Leicester on Friday 18th March 2016 sharing my Top Tips for Success as a Serial Entrepreneur and

Delighted to be Invited! THAT’S IT! Because I’m Worth It: Female Entrepreneur’s Guide to Getting the Abundant Life and Business You REALLY Want! Idea to Enterprise Adds Rocketfuel for Leicestershire Women Entrepreneurs with #VitalVision™ Blueprint in Serial Entrepreneur Valerie Dwyer’s ‘Magic Formula 3 Keys for Success’

Delighted to be Invited! THAT’S IT! Because I’m Worth It: Female Entrepreneur’s Guide to Getting the Abundant Life and Business You REALLY Want! Idea to Enterprise Adds Rocketfuel for Leicestershire Women Entrepreneurs with #VitalVision™ Blueprint in Serial Entrepreneur Valerie Dwyer’s

Latest News! Visionary UK Serial Entrepreneur and Women’s Leadership Expert Valerie Dwyer FRSA Announced to Chair Global Women’s Leadership Conference 2016 in Prague

Visionary UK Serial Entrepreneur and Women’s Leadership Expert Valerie Dwyer FRSA Announced to Chair Global Women’s Leadership Conference 2016, 18th & 19th February 2016, in Prague, Czech Republic  I’m Delighted!! And looking forward to this #Wonderful Opportunity to share the

#ThankYou #Mademyday

MADE MY DAY!! Thank You x #LWED    #APPRECIATE  x Unexpected Thank You Gift arrived from Fiona White x for Speaking and presenting, at Lincolnshire’s hugely successful Inaugural Women’s Enterprise Day, my new ‘Because I’m Worth It! A Female Entrepreneur’s


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