Celebrating #WorldBookDay 4th March 2021 with a Valuable FREE GIFT for you, Because Amazing Things Can Happen When You Least Expect!
This week 3 Amazing and Unexpected things happened.
First – The most amazing thing is connecting with the lovely Sarah, Head Nurse who guided me through my surgical operation this week to remove a BCC from my face. We were having a laugh and a joke, as you do while being anaesthatised in pre-op and got to talking about operations and life’s ups and downs. She said I looked apprehensive and I replied “It’s OK! This couldn’t be as bad as the three operations I’ve had in the past 2 years to save the sight of my left eye.”
As my surgeon got to work, and the anaesthetic had done the job, Sarah said “You’ll be OK, it’s not so bad” and I replied “Well it will be nothing like as strange as seeing a scalpel moving around inside your eye” and I don’t even know how we got on to talking mental attitudes and overcoming challenges or even sharing that I had put all I had learned from my life’s experiences of overcoming into a programme that has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to go from stuck to success. Or that I had detailed this knowledge, this “How To” in my latest book “You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps To Reinvent Your Life”.
Then Boom! I discover Sarah has bought my book, to help her son who happens to be at his own crossroads! I couldn’t be happier. This is what my life’s work is all about. Helping people make their breakthrough to discover and live the life they were born to.
Second – A respected Book Coach writes a wonderful review on Amazon after reading this same book (which amazon has only just posted live) and here’s what the incredibly talented Ruth Sullivan says:
5.0 out of 5 stars Authenticity Alert!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 5 February 2021
“Valerie writes from her real-life, lived-through experience. This is no ‘do as I say’ instruction manual, but the wisdom of a guide who has been there, bought the T-shirt and emerged, resilient and exhilarated, as a woman with a mission to serve and empower others. She holds her torch high to light the path ahead, and outlines the steps with warmth and enthusiasm.
This book is for anyone who is feeling dispirited, confused or seeking the courage to create the life they desire. It is not a theoretical aspiration, but written from the perspective of ‘you already have it’; it’s already done, so just keep going. Don’t look down, don’t look back. There is nothing to fear and all the courage you need is available to you”.
Third – I find that there are 25 sign ups from my talk ‘Motivate Your Mindset’ at the Virtual #ImpactMillionsSummit this week. Everyone has received my FREE Gift, the ‘Clear Your Mind Clutter’ Playbook and you too can still get access to my experiential talk where I demo 2 quick Mood Change techniques to banish internal and external negatives! Click link to join me and receive the link from me for your FREE GIFT here: https://bit.ly/39DRMZo
Feeling so abundant today! Having my stitches out tomorrow and moving forward with recovery, added to the above, I want to GIFT even more. You may know that every sale of ‘You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps To Reinvent Your Life!’ book gifts education for a whole day to a disadvantaged girl in Cambodia AND plants a fruit tree for an impoverished family in Malawi. We are a Business For Good through our Lifetime Global Partnership with https://www.b1g1.com/ and making positive impacts in the world on behalf of every client we work with or book we sell.
Now I want to provide a BONUS FREE GIFT to you, to everyone who buys a copy of this book on Thursday 4th March 2021 – #WorldBookDay #WBD
To get this FREE GIFT You need to take 3 steps:
1. Register to join our community and receive the ‘You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps To Reinvent Your Life! book information by email simply go and sign up to this landing page now https://www.mywonderfullifecoach.co.uk/youvegotthis
2. Then buy the book through the amazon link you will receive by email.
3. Next you’ll receive the link to access an immediate download of ‘Clear Your Mind Clutter’ playbook.
This Playbook is based on Step 2 of the 6 Steps and contains the exact details for clearing your mental baggage that is keeping you stuck. It helps you separate what thoughts you can safely let go, which are important to keep and act on while your subconscious organises and creates mind space, to let new creative thoughts and ideas come in. Follow the instructions, including setting your environment correctly to make this the most impactful experience. And begin feeling less stressed or overwhelmed and more in control again.
Here’s to you joining us and getting unstuck too!
Have a Wonderful Day!