He’s back and he’s done it again! Liam O’Connell, author of “My Fire’s Gone Out”, the inspirational story of three little devils managing change that I named ‘Best Little Book of 2010’ at time of reading, is back with Don’t Feed the Ducks! – less metaphor, more hands-on cultural change programme. Read my full review at http://www.mywonderfullifecoach.co.uk/bookreviews.aspx Opening with the words – “Let me paint you a picture. Imagine for a moment…” you get the feeling that Liam is something of a visionary; combine this with one outstanding phrase from the author’s own journey, “It’s a long ride, it’s a fast ride and if you fall out it’s your last ride”, and you’re spot on. The way this change programme is conveyed is just what’s needed for seekers of practical methodologies to bring about real and lasting improvement. This is reading with a capital ACTION!
“Happy, focused people = happy customers”. Too obvious you say? But I would posit regrettably a still all-too-novel approach for some and don’t we know it! We know (hopefully) how it feels to walk into a business where the atmosphere buzzes, there’s passion and enthusiasm, positive vibes in an upward spiral – doesn’t seem like work at all! And we’ve experienced the opposite. No guesses where the saboteurs skulk, but Liam outs them, no padding, straight to the issues, even the ones some of us would perhaps rather ignore at their peril, but not those who still want to be in business in the upturn!
With chapter titles like “Smell the Culture”; “Shock the System”; “Can’t be Arsed Ltd”; “Let Me Entertain You”; “Sex, Drugs & Rock ‘n’ Roll” it’s clear that this is certainly not a run-of-the-mill self-help book – you’re in for an interesting ride and a worthwhile read. You’ll meet the very ducks you shouldn’t feed at any cost, amongst them the ‘Mood Hoover’. I’ll leave you to explore why “Hoovers Really Suck!” and we’re not talking vacuum cleaners. See who these little quackers remind you of, find out their effect! Passion, belief and attitude are …go read my review..