EPISODE 1 – In a Galaxy not so far away…. You’ve Got This! The journey begins….

Entrepreneurs write books for many reasons: to educate, inform, entertain. Some find it more difficult, others easy. One thing we never know at the outset is where this will lead.

On this journey with my latest book ‘You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps to Reinvent Your Life! My first self-published book, after three previous collaborative books, I discovered first the challenges and secondly the exciting rewards of persevering, publishing, and some exciting things that followed and continue to happen.

To say that I am grateful to those who supported me in their different ways, is really an understatement. From advice on what’s involved when you go it alone, to technical and legal aspects, to simple but invaluable encouragement… My gratitude and appreciation grew as the 5* Star reviews rolled in and with them unexpected developments.

Through this book, which has now become the playbook and guide of a new online programme based on my prior VIP offline programme, I am seeing more people, entrepreneurs and business owners, discover their elusive fulfilling purpose in their new clarity of vision while developing their creative muscles and confidence to dare to dream and put the strategies and plans in place to make it real.

It is truly transforming and spinning off new lives, businesses, collaborations, initiatives, and I couldn’t be happier, since my own mission is to change the world for better. And each book sold invests in wonderful things through global giving initiative B1G1 https://www.b1g1.com : education, tree planting and fresh drinking water.

Each VIP programme completed funds a Buddy Bag for a deprived child in care as a result of domestic violence or abuse. Buddy Bag Founder @KarenWilliamsOBE has herself experienced amazing achievements from experiencing the Vital Vision Blueprint™ Session that is at the heart of the programme.

What’s my point? If you have ever, or still, thought about writing your book, and have knowledge, experience or a programme that will change lives, businesses and the world for better, now is the time to get on with it! And below are names of some people I highly recommend will help you…..

How did this begin? I was about to make an announcement, to share an exciting new collaboration that is happening right now and leading up to 3 very Special events….that will create 3 special things happening in the world.

Then, feeling much gratitude for support received, I thought, how about a bit of backstory and some thanks?

So, @RuthSullivan without whom this book would not have happened,

@SueWilliams for your inspiration and enabling me to ‘dip my toe in’ with the ‘Believe You Can Live A Life You Love At 50+’ sharing how to bounce back from what life throws at you

 @HelenVandenberghe for ‘Ready To Rise: 62 Ways You and Your Business Can Thrive & Grow in Challenging Times’ raising funds for the NHS during Covid while revealing our entrepreneurial tips from experiencing previous recessions, boom and bust to help entrepreneurs and business owners    @PaulDunn for your fabulous Foreword in You’ve Got This! AND for their technical support, great sense of humour and encouragement, variously publishers and authors themselves’ and highly recommended, @SamanthaHoughton @SarahHouldcroft @TarynLeeJohnston and @LindaEllisEastman at PWN Books, where my whole book journey began with ‘Woman Power: Strategies for Female Leaders’ talking about the authentic leadership power of a Vital Vision™  

What’s the announcement? Well, here’s my latest 5*Star book review, which is the First Clue….Look out! More to follow. Have a wonderful day!

Episode 1 -In a Galaxy Not So Far Away…The ‘You’ve Got This!’ Journey Begins
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