Listen in to my interview with Melanie Colling on The Business Connections Podcast Where we talked about my new book ‘You’ve Got This, No Matter What – How to Reinvent Your Life in 6 Steps’, the importance of Making a Decision and the difference between #Change and #Transformation.

You can listen to the interview here:

Scroll down for the latest (September) interview

If you want to know more about to book go here:

Wow! After reading my book and writing this review, MelColling, a brilliant intervewer, businessinvited me on to her popular Business Connections podcast. Listen in if you want to hear some interesting things you will not have seen written anywhere else!

I have read many books over the years but none that gave me the insights and transformational change as ‘You’ve Got This, No Matter What’. This book will lead you on a journey of self discovery like no other. I have known Valerie for many years and have seen first-hand the transformation she has achieved for her clients. Valerie has now taken her work and her wisdom and is sharing it with the world in this fabulous, thought-provoking, practical and transformational book. From the personal stories to the guided exercises, this book is a journey into the power of the mind and the opportunity that each and every one of us has to make the changes to ourselves and our lives that we desire. 

Mel Colling, Director and Founder, Purpose Driven Projects, The Business Connections Podcast – Experts on Air fm



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Hear Melanie Colling Interview Entrepreneur, Coach, Mentor and Author of You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps to Reinvent Your Life! Valerie Dwyer, on Business Connections Podcast about Becoming Powerful By Connecting With Our Selves

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