How To… Create and Start Living The Life You Love, Beginning Today, Using the Powerful Proven 3 Key Steps to Success of Destination Me™
“Everything Is ‘Possible’, But First You Must Clearly “See” What You Want With Your Heart, Mind, Body And Spirit”
Valerie Dwyer My Wonderful Life Coach™ #quote
You Have Known Success….But Now You Are Stuck or Ready for Change
If you have reached the point where you are FINALLY READY to have the life you REALLY, TRULY WANT AND DESIRE….and are prepared to MAKE CHANGES read on now…..
How would it be if you had a SUBCONSCIOUS SUCCESS SATNAV™ AND an INNER VISION COMPASS™ – to set your life’s Purpose(Why) and Destination then help guide you on your journey? Well here’s the Good News! YOU ALREADY HAVE! And if you are not there yet then you need someone with special secret knowledge to show how you switch them on!
Everything begins with #Vision….. How on earth do you think that mankind managed the extraordinary feat of putting a man on the moon? Come to that, what about the mobile phone in your pocket? Both these achievements began with the idea of one person having a Dream, a Vision that gradually became a series of Goals then Shared Goals, Targets and Deadlines – where everyone knew what they were working towards together…
On a different scale, everything around you that has been manufactured began in a similar way, with one person or a small team having an idea for something new, an innovation, but before you can make anything you need to know what it looks like in the greatest detail so that it is made right.
Take this further and you know that Vision is not only about ‘things’ but also very much about people. People generate ideas or have dreams for everything: businesses, organisations, schools, systems, processes and movements. Charismatic leaders and entrepreneurs with a Vision they firmly believe in will achieve the seemingly impossible.
Over 20 years I have helped thousands of entrepreneurs, leaders and businesses to achieve the thriving and abundant life and business of their own desire and design through working these following 3 Key Steps to Success in the right order and it worked EVERY SINGLE TIME.
Spin offs from Clients reconnecting with their Inner Vision Compass and True Purpose through my holistic transformational programme have included major confidence and business boosts leading to new businesses launched; Best Selling books written AND published within 30 days; target busting national Charities launched; Global launches across the world of existing projects and products that had SO much more potential; Client major Awards Wins, invitations to present programmes on Television and to speak on global stages at major conferences. Client videos are testimony to the success of the Powerful Proven 3 Key Steps to Success of Destination Me™
Which comes first? The How, Who, Why, What, Where or When?
No doubt at all it is the What! Before we can discover the rest we need to know the What. What is your Vision? Once you have this, and the Clarity, Focus and Direction it brings, the rest slips into place, beginning with your Purpose – your Why. However, before you can even begin to work on your Vision, there’s a major step to take.
Step #1 Clear Your Mind Clutter™
Before you can connect or reconnect with your Vision, you need space. Space to imagine, space to Dream, space to Move. Just as ancient Chinese wisdom says that you cannot pour more into a cup that is already full, you also cannot create or reconnect with your Vision while you have a Cluttered Mind. There is work that you need to do first, on both yourself and your environment also if that is cluttered too!
I wholeheartedly recommend that you learn to meditate if you do not yet. Changing your state from busy Beta to slower paced Alpha or Theta is essential for this whole sequence of work that will open up your mind, clear space, enable you to access your Creative Right Brain to create your Vital Vision™ Blueprint and embed it impactfully then Stormproof Your Success Strategies™
The ebook of the same name takes you fully through your ‘Clear Your Mind Clutter’™ process which you do at your own pace. Guidelines are included for preparing the right environment in readiness for Step #2
Step #2 Create Your Vital Vision™ Blueprint
The impactful Holistic Vital Vision™ Blueprint is at the Core of this life changing programme, where transformation takes place, dreams materialise, lightbulb moments happen, energy and vibrations raise and shifts take place. Side effects include a noticeable increase in Courage and Confidence as you discover the elusive Clarity, Focus and Direction you have been seeking for your life.
You step out of your comfort zone just for a while, the ONLY way true change can happen, but you are in safe hands. Thousands of entrepreneurs have been here before you and are now living their own ‘Wonderful Life’
Values are critical to the success of achieving your Vital Vision™ Blueprint and in the programme I explain why and how to overcome potential sabotage, one reason why so many attempts by people using vision boards tends to fail.
In this key step I have devised tactics to close down your Inner Critic and move you out of your head and left brain logic to empower your creative right brain to deliver your vision as you unite your heart, mind, body and spirit.
As you reconnect with your Inner Vision Compass™ you will Experience Your Vision, Nourish Your Spirit, Waken Your Soul and Speak Your Truth
With your Subconscious Success SATNAV™ now switched on and working for you 24/7 on getting your Vital Vision™ Blueprint fulfilled there will be no stopping you on your journey to living the life YOU have designed….
Step #3 Stormproof Your Success Strategies™
Step #3 takes your vision towards Action – Right Action to be correct. Instead of continually reacting to what life or others throw at you, you are now in control and proactive. Not only do you have a clear destination but also we S.W.O.T. out your Topline Success Strategies as we ‘Name and Shame Your Obstacles’ and ‘Befriend Your Resources’ then align your focus and priorities, bringing in the How, Who, Where and When to give you your Next Steps Forward from this session! Clients have gone away from this final step with their new Business and Marketing Strategies already laid out and achieved many of their objectives within the first 90 days, some even sooner!
What’s Next?
While writing this article I am part way through an experiment to develop an online programme to help many thousands more entrepreneurs across the world so much sooner.
This experiment, my Visioneering Self-Discovery Adventure Groups have had new materials developed as well as proven existing resources and materials updated. Having always resisted taking this programme online I was delighted to have the breakthrough that this does work online as powerfully and successfully as live sessions.
Someone thousands of miles away on a small Caribbean island has successfully learned to meditate in a short one week course to prepare her for the programme and then gone through her 3 Key Steps to Success of Destination Me™ resulting in some ‘Lightbulb Moments’; a clear vision, a revelation that one of her major threats was in fact a huge opportunity – and I will shortly be able to publish the results! I Love my work!
The book, featuring more detail of the process, Case Studies and access to online community and resources is evolving and more to follow about that.
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Want help? Visit and book a 30 minute Strategy/Discovery Session. You will need to answer a few short questions in order to qualify
Hope that you gain some useful insight from this article. Feel free to comment and connect. Have a #Wonderful Life!