“My conversation with wonderful author and visionary of My Wonderful Life Coach, Valerie Dwyer.

Author, CEO and founder of My Wonderful Life Coach – and a farming enthusiast, happiest when wearing muddy boots.

Valerie wants to build a better world, to make it a Wonderful place to live in, and wants to care for it and protect it – for Today, Tomorrow and the Future.

When you have a powerful, exciting and crystal clear vision for how you can create your life and your world, everything changes!

And THAT’S When The Magic Happens!

Find out more about Valerie Dwyer and her latest book, “You’ve Got This! No Matter What!: 6 Steps to Reinvent Your Life!” here : https://www.mywonderfullifecoach.co.uk/youvegotthis

Carolyn Williams helps you discover and uncover what’s already inside you, so you see it for yourself and grow in confidence and stature as a result.

To work with Carolyn to create and deliver your message and build your audience, message me. m.me/cwshow.tv/

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