Just Get on With It! really is what it says on the cover – A Caring Compassionate Kick Up The Ass! No more procrastination or excuses. Want to turn your life around? Then begin!
Get my full review for this and other inspirational and motivational books at http://www.mywonderfullifecoach.co.uk/bookreviews.aspx
Refreshingly, Ali Campbell, ‘Mr Fix It’ to celebrities, business leaders and even royalty, makes it clear that he does not provide within this book all the (coaching and other) answers that we seek in order to live a fulfilled life. However, more importantly and with guidance, he shows us how to recognise, reconnect with, trust and harness a power that many have lost touch with, possibly the most valuable resource in the universe embedded deep within us, our gut feeling, intuition, call it what you will.
Ali is keen to point out that ‘this is not a fluffy or typically touchy-feely type of coaching book’ but a collection of lessons and learnings gathered together from clients, books, teachers, trainers, therapists and his own journey trying to stay ‘positive’ growing up in one of the most cynical (yet wonderfully caring) places on earth. Despite this, or perhaps even because of it, Ali brings alive the idea of ‘effortless effort’. Although the material is not entirely new, the approach is! Well worth the read, highly recommended