Lately, more people are asking why I don’t emphasis the money and power that creating your own vision brings you – in fact why I didn’t title the book “Money and Power”!?
It’s quite simple really. You only need to look to the number of lottery millionaires that are now broke. Or those who are still millionaires but are unhappy. I helped to create millionaires, before I even understood the whole concept of #mindset and how we can shift, so I know what I am talking about!
With the right mindset, even if you are unhappy with your lot, you can attract your money, gain your power, do good in the world, attract more money, enable more good in the world.
With the wrong mindset, whether hppy or unhappy, you get your money, are still not truly happy after the initial excitement wears off, and lose your money again!
My method of Showing People How To Make Money or achieve Power – works! BUT it is NOT the whole answer! It may change you – but it does NOT Transform you – which is what is needed to succeed! That is why I developed the programme Destination Me™ Intensive on which this book is based.
So this is why ‘You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps to Reinvent Your Life! Focuses on YOU first. It gives you the exact right 6 Steps you need to empower you to reconnect with Your True Self, switch your mindset, get crystal clear on your WHY? your purpose in the world, as you EXPERIENCE your Vision, which enables you to be happier (in most cases overjoyed) with life and being alive. You begin quite quickly, (rapidly for some people – we are all different) to fulfil your purpose that helps you create a better, happier, more abundant and sustainable life and a Wonderful World for us all.
When You Have a Powerful, Exciting and Crystal Clear Vision For How YOU Can Create Your Life And Your World, Everything Changes! And THAT’S When The Magic! Happens!
Do not desire money for itself. Things do not return your love and devotion. When you are pulled by your vision of your true purpose, that’s better than being driven by money, any day of the week! And when the money comes, which it does as Clients testify, you can do far more good with it and it keeps on growing!
Oh! And I’ve been asked several times now – Why the Tiger Cover? This is my #CourageTiger. You can choose whatever symbol you like for your #Courage ! As long as you get on and take the ACTION you need to succeed in changing your life to the one you REALLY Love. The one you yourself design, with the help of this powerful little book!
To join our community, get the paperback launch lowdown, access additional resources such as videos, audios, network and support each other on this journey and hear about the upcoming 6 week programme launch to set you up for an amazing 2021 go here:
To ONLY access the Paperback SPECIAL PRICING LAUNCH on Sunday 11 October 2020, between 12 noon and 4.00pm go to the book page here. Currently only the digital book is available but on Sunday 11 October you can get the paperback to work the powerful exercises :
Or simply search on amazon: youve got this valerie dwyer
And we would love your feedback….
Have #WonderfulDay
My personal Thank You – from my heart, for your contribution! To everyone who has so far purchased ‘You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps To Reinvent Your Life! #digital #book Every single one of you has planted a fruit tree in Malawi for an impoverished family to provide nutrition and income. With each book you have ALSO provided access to education for girls in Cambodia, who otherwise would not be educated – all through our Lifetime Global Partnership with