Wow! This is YOUR INVITE TO OUR ON-LINE LAUNCH PARTY – BELIEVE YOU CAN LIVE A LIFE YOU LOVE AT 50+ FRIDAY 20 SEPTEMBER 2019 (9.00 – 12 noon) LINKS TO FOLLOW will be here and across Social Media
I am delighted to announce the launch of this uplifting new book! Join us – 31 brave, vulnerable, courageous women – at the online party on Facebook between the hours of 9 and 12 on Friday 20th September! WEBLINK TO FOLLOW or simply search on Amazon….on Friday morning…
Specially for women in their 50s (and above) and (even if you are successful on the outside!) who are feeling down, wrung out or just plain lacking in enthusiasm for daily life – or even wondering what more life has to offer – what comes next! ‘Believe You Can Live a Life You Love at 50+’ is perfect for increasing your confidence, self-esteem and resolve!
Filled with inspirational stories from 31 heart-centred women, and featuring a whole host of positive quotes, exercises, hints and tips to help women in their fifties and over to build their self-belief, this is a great book to have on your bedside or coffee table. Dip in whenever you feel a need to lift your spirits!
This anthology of personal stories of survival and success seeks to give women the confidence to tackle challenges and flourish on their own terms.
These women’s experiences range from making “seize the day” type decisions to travel across the world, to getting through grief, starting new enterprises later in life or dealing with health challenges.
It’s also filled with poems which seek to embolden and is abundant in practical and spiritually-oriented action points and exercises that aim to set readers on the path to self-belief.
When you buy the e-book on amazon kindle for just
0.99 on Friday 20th September between the hours of 9 am and 12 noon, you will
also be entitled to free access to a series of inspirational videos from the
event Your Signature Success Story for 4 whole weeks.
The videos include inspirational talks by authors featured in ‘Believe You Can
Live a Life You Love at 50+’ – including Editor Sue Williams, Lynda Holt, Nicci
Bonfanti and Helen Carver.
Look out for the link! Join us on Facebook page between the hours of 9 am and 12 noon on Friday 20th September, and let’s celebrate together powerful stories, uplifting quotes and tried and tested advice that will help you to believe you can live a life you love at 50+!
We really hope you can join us to celebrate! We would love too for you to share this news with your friends/ Let’s get the message out to those women who need it that there IS a life at 50+ and it can be an Amazing Adventure!! #Vision #Believe #Achieve