You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps To Reinvent Your Life! Is now LIVE! Based upon the hugely successful Life-Change programme Destination Me™ Intensive, and featuring the powerful transformational Vital Vision Blueprint™ process, the digital book (in flow format for easy reading on all devices) launched this week with rave Advanced Reviews:
“A transformational book that inspires you to review & renew your life goals!
Valerie has created something special that helps you achieve your goals in a practical and refreshing way. You’ve got to get this book… now! Highly recommended.”
Liam O’Connell, Speaker/Consultant/Author -My Fire’s Gone Out! (Possibly the new Who Stole My Cheese) and Don’t Feed the Ducks
“This book is the definitive most comprehensive, logical, structured approach to establishing your Purpose in life, your Why? your Vision.
The book gives an insight into the interactive programme created by Valerie Dwyer, My Wonderful Life Coach™ which, having been through it, I can highly recommend. Anyone with any doubts look at Valerie’s impressive track record, read this book and then engage yourself in a life changing opportunity by booking on the amazing Destination Me™ Programme… Clarity X Action = Results.”
Chris Henry, Business & Wealth Coach, MindYerWealth Ltd
I have read many books over the years but none that gave me the insights and transformational change as ‘You’ve Got This, No Matter What’.
This book will lead you on a journey of self-discovery like no other. I have known Valerie for many years and have seen first-hand the transformation she has achieved for her clients. Valerie has now taken her work and her wisdom and is sharing it with the world in this fabulous, thought-provoking, practical and transformational book. From the personal stories to the guided exercises, this book is a journey into the power of the mind and the opportunity that each and every one of us has to make the changes to ourselves and our lives that we desire.
Mel Colling, Director and Founder, Purpose Driven Projects, Business Connections Podcast, Experts on Air
Valerie has certainly captured all the tools of self-agency and put them into a usable and practical process guide for someone to follow. This book certainly reinforces, even for the experienced entrepreneur, the necessity to continually put these techniques into practice whenever there is self-doubt or when things aren’t going the way you want them to. Motivational.”
Neil Marwick, Co-founder and Director, MIWorld Network
Wow! Brilliant News! I’m SO Excited I just Can’t Hide It. Something Amazing Happened! Founder Karen Williams’ Buddy Bag Foundation, Making a (BIG) Difference to Children in Emergency Care, is NOW Live with Global #B1G1 Business For Good!

Check out the full story over on our Blog here
STOP PRESS! New Interview with Valerie Dwyer for Hollywood’s Formidable Woman Magazine Digital
#Vision? Wow! Delighted to be Invited. @JulesLavallee Interviews Valerie Dwyer, My Wonderful Life Coach ™ for Hollywood’s Formidable Woman Magazine

My Wonderful Life Coach™
Out now! Go here to get the full interview and the lowdown on what drives our Founder and the heads up on what’s coming up in the next few weeks that you will NOT want to miss – including new #BelieveYouCan #book #booklaunch on Amazon, Friday 20th September 2019 between 9.00am and 12 noon, Kindle Special @ 99p only; new online #Visioneering Self-DiscoveryAdventure Beta programmme launching November 2019 and major interview web event October 2019! More Details to follow… Exciting times! #Vision #Diversity #UNSustainableDevelopmentGoals #WomanPowerStrategies #Leadership https://bit.ly/2kDBg4U Really think about signing up to our community. If you want to change our world for better, join us and get the low down before anyone else!!
STOP PRESS! New Interactive Talk!
Delighted to be Invited! To Speak at Yes Group, Nottingham on Weds May 15th 2019
How To Use Visioning To Create the Life You REALLY Want! In 3 Simple Yet Powerful Steps
Get the details here: https://bit.ly/2VSkFen
“When You have a Powerful, Exciting and Crystal Clear Vision of How You can Create your Life and Your World Everything Changes, and THAT’S When the Magic Happens!”
If you want to transform your life, Create the Life You REALLY Want, and:
- Be Certain You Are On the Right Path to your Dreams
- Create Your Own Unique Life and Business Blueprint
- Feel more Confident, Courageous, Purposeful and Fulfilled
- Trust Your Decision Making with Clarity, Focus and Direction
- Re-Connect Your True Self
- Improve Your Life
This is for You! We invite you to come and discover your ‘How To’
Valerie Dwyer is the Co-Author of Forthcoming #book ‘#Believe You Can #Live a Life You #Love At 50+’ Launch Date: 9th May 2019
Book Launch, Book Tour and Book Signing Schedules to be released shortly
#WORLDBOOKDAY 7th March 2019 
Valerie Dwyer Features in New #Book ‘Each Other: Why Women Need to Empower Women’ by Author Shaherazad Umbreen – launching on #InternationalWomensDay Friday 8th March 2019 https://amzn.to/2IQZyUp
Valerie Dwyer is Delighted to be Invited! #Booksigning, #Speaking and #Interviews on #WorldBookDay Thursday 7th March 2019 at Chrisoula Sirigou’s 5th Annual event in Nantwich, Cheshire. You can learn more and book here www.chrisoulasirigou.com/world-book-day-2019
With an emphasis firmly on the Power of #Vision for Authentic #Leadership and #Entrepreneurs, I’ll be signing copies and speaking about my #book ‘Woman Power: #Strategies for #Female #Leaders’ and the #WomanPowerDreamTeam spin off from it thanks to the invitation from Chrisoula Sirigou, the Golden Muse, founder of Explorama Optimum Wellbeing; LIFE Inspiring Conversations with ChriSOULA and Soulful Connections.
Interviews afterwards on Redshift Radio and GoldenMuseTV about the book, life in general and the Universe!
You can order your copy of Woman Power: Strategies for Female Leaders here Your Bookstore
Chrisoula’s 5th Annual World Book Day event is in Nantwich, Cheshire on Thursday 7th March 2019. You can learn more and book here www.chrisoulasirigou.com/world-book-day-2019
Look out for a VERY SPECIAL and VALUABLE MARCH OFFER at the new home of our BLOG https://www.mywonderfullifecoach.co.uk/blog/ plus several NEW MUST READ books arriving in https://www.mywonderfullifecoach.co.uk/your-bookstore
October 2018 Never In Your Wildest #Dreams – #Vision #Believe #Succeed
Never In Your Wildest #Dreams ! Do you enjoy a good book? Like a spellbinding story that really sucks you into its story? If you do, then this Limited Time FREE copy of the bestselling book by Natalie Ledwell is for you!
My friend Natalie is the co-founder of the successful personal growth company Mind Movies, and in her book “Never In Your Wildest Dreams” you’ll find an extraordinary story filled with her best-kept prosperity secrets that, if you’re anything like me, will keep your eyes glued to the page.
The real twist here is the interesting format: It’s an interactive multi-sensory experience –
Which means it also comes with an exclusive ‘Inside The Chapter Video Series’ that you’ll be able to access as you finish each chapter via a secret link in the book. So, you’ll not only go on an amazing journey with the main character, but you’ll also get practical, life-changing tips on how to implement the ‘life lessons’ into your own life.
Caution: this is the kind of page-turner that will have you reading “one last chapter” until 2:00 a.m. It’s that goooood!
Download your free copy of Natalie Ledwell’s bestselling book while it’s 100% free.
Enjoy this resource from my friend Natalie Ledwell, brought to you by Valerie Dwyer, My Wonderful Life Coach™
P.S. Important Once you download Never In Your Wildest Dreams, you’ll also get a free spot at Natalie’s acclaimed online workshop with personal growth icon Mary Morrissey! Its optional, but seriously? I highly suggest you tune in!
You’ll discover a quick and easy way to erase your limiting beliefs –
And replace them with empowering beliefs that lift you up instead of drag you down.
All in just five simple steps.
This workshop is the perfect complement to your interactive book.
September 2018
Celebrity Reporter Interviews Transformational Success Coach and Mentor, Valerie Dwyer for Hollywood VIP Culture Magazine ‘Instinct Culture’

Valerie Dwyer, Transformational SUCCESS Coach and Mentor, Serial Entrepreneur, Author of ‘Woman Power: Strategies for Female Leaders’ and Inspirational Speaker is interviewed by Celebrity Reporter Jules Lavallee for Hollywood VIP Celebrity Magazine ‘Instinct Culture’ Extra Lifestyle
Story begins…
“Valerie Dwyer discovered Creative Entrepreneurship at a very young age. Creative Entrepreneurship is to invest in your “talent” or “intellectual property.”
….Valerie is a Champion for Women as a Transformational Success Coach, Mentor, Speaker, and Author. With her expertise in #Vision and #Strategy, she has been influential at all levels and across policy making, funding and communications. From Presidents, Entrepreneurs, and Managing Directors ,Valerie Dwyer has been a catalyst for action.
Find Valerie’s book ‘Woman Power: Strategies for Female Leaders’ over in Your Bookstore
September 2018
Valerie Dwyer, Breakthrough Success Coach and Mentor, Serial Entrepreneur, Author and Inspirational Speaker is interviewed by Best Selling Author Sophie Bennett for her new book ‘Find Your Flame: Why Motivation Matters More Than Talent!’ alongside luminaries including the legendary motivator Brian Tracy; Paul Dunn, Chairman of B1G1 Business For Good and Janet Attwood, Creator of ‘The Passion Test’
To discover not only Valerie’s Flame of Motivation, which is uncannily accurate – but discover your own! Go to Your Bookstore and get your copy now…