Resisting Coronovirus/COVID-19 – #MindsetMatters It’s Good To Talk (Virtually!)


Resisting jumping into the whole ‘C’ thing conversation the internet is awash with, I took the simple action today of contacting people by text, asking if they are OK, need anything or want to chat.

Previously, I had been working away on quite a lengthy post, hoping that the overcoming, surviving and thriving information I could offer would help people. Then I decided to get much more specific!

Some of you who have known me a long time took up this opportunity and now we have spoken on the phone. It’s wonderful to be able to talk things through, even just to get it off our chest, but when constructive actions come out of a chat and moods lift and states change, I can’t tell you how happy I am! 

So I’m reminding you that I’m here for you. No obligations! Connect with me whichever way you prefer if you just want a virtual chat. You can DM me, PM me, across social media and if you need a call, we can arrange that on zoom, skype, whatsapp, email or phone.

If it’s about entrepreneurship, then through starting, growing, buying and selling 10 businesses – including surviving recessions, booms and crashes, I’ve learned a few things.

If it’s personal, then surviving and thriving after major paralysing accidents, overcoming chronic illness, getting through PTSD, I’ve learned a few other things like how to get out of rock bottom!

Got a challenge? Or not! Need a personal boost or mindset readjust? Want to Generate new ideas? We can brainstorm it. Need I say in Total Confidence!

A Crystal Clear #Vision will get you exactly where you want to go and what you want! The biggest challenge for most people is knowing what they really want! Now we’ve all been given the gift of time to turn our attention to this and it is important because the world will not be the same after this episode is over. Your world can be exactly what you want with a little help. Feel free to explore this with me. #VisionBelieveAchieve

You CAN do this. We all can do this. The ball is in your court. Being in the right #Mindset is Everything right now! Even this is your very real choice!

Have a Wonderful Day, no matter what!

Valerie ???❤️?

Resisting Coronovirus/ COVID-19 #MindsetMatters – It’s Good To Talk! (Virtually!)
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