Recently I have been asked questions about why I wrote this book, why now and what is the #CourageTiger cover all about? I am sharing, because something may connect with you.
Why Write This Book?
When you discover you have a talent or gift, this is your reason for being alive! When your learning was through your own traumatic life experience, how to save yourself, and you did, many times, you have a duty to share what may help others. This is what I have now been doing for over thirty years!
In the current climate and circumstances, I feel the clock is ticking. Ticking for me and for others. Now I want to reach as many people as possible with my truly life-changing opportunities. But don’t listen to me. Read what the people I have worked with have to say….
How can you believe it is possible to ‘Reinvent’ Your Life?
How? I believe because I know it to be true. Over 30 years, through ten businesses and three recessions I have reinvented my own life. And there were drivers of change. Every reinvention was preceeded by either a Significant Emotional Event or a Life-Threatening or Near-Death Experience. These can be pinpoint exactly to specific occasions, a couple are included in the book, to demonstrate how powerful this process is. And it is not over yet! In the past 18 months I have had three operations to try and save the sight of my left eye. It appears to be stabilised now and hopefully will not deteriorate further but cannot be recovered to where it was! But I now accept it (a great step in recovering from any situation!). It is good enough! I received advice to not try and write the book, but when you are on a purposeful mission you Go For It!
Overcoming challenges or going through significant change is not easy – but it is easier – when you know HOW. I am confident that I would not now suffer the 2 years of PTSD I had previously from a traumatic event. And so this process I have developed empowers and enables anyone to reinvent their life – WITHOUT having to undergo trauma OR major challenges. However, if you have experienced any of these, then the exact 6 Steps I have set out will work for you. The process is powerful to anyone undergoing a period of change – exactly like we are experiencing now!
Why write this Book Now?
We are in unprecedented times! Many people are struggling or suffering, either mentally or physically, through the changes that hare happening.
Who could stand by any longer and not share what they know will help? Not I. Or continue delivering a programme only to individual VIP entrepreneurs, when its power can help millions of people around the globe move forward into living the fulfilled life they love, that they themselves have designed. So I have written this book and developed an online version of the programme.
There is Good News! In times of change reconnecting with your own inner vision is what will lead you through into clarity, focus and direction. When you know the 6 Steps for how to bring this vision out of yourself and into your specific personal Vital Vision™ Blueprint, you have your roadmap through the chaos, that also bring you a new certainty, confidence and optimism to work with your Why? Your Purpose in life, that until now may have been hidden from you.
While some people, entrepreneurs, businesses are thriving in the current climate, many lives are being turned upside down. Businesses are failing and closing. The future looks bleak. I cannot stand by and not do anything to help.
Aren’t you worried about sharing the secrets of your own success so freely?
Why would I be? Anything that anyone does to help make the word a better place should be shared. We are all living on the same planet!
Many of my entrepreneur Clients have gone on to become Coaches themselves and I celebrate those that are using the process they experienced while working with me to change lives!
That is why I am also working to create an specific package for Coaches, Mentors and Consultants too – so that they can help the people, entrepreneurs, and businesses they serve.
This process, well the Shared Visioning version that I use with companies, teams, groups, would be great working with the UN, Governments, Politicians, Campaigners – the list is endless! We could really take a significant positive leap forward in dealing with Climate Change and other emergencies – but there I go with my BIG Vision – running away with myself again!
Why My #CourageTiger?
This is something that works for me. When I need to build my courage muscle I envision my #CourageTiger and its qualities. If I were an animal, I think I would be a tiger – cuddly to look at, caring of my family, conscious of Legacy, of what world my children and grandchildren will not only inherit but are living in now and the near future. But also strong and fierce when challenged on my Values, especially injustice, or in defending the truth or the underdog! Or whoever and whatever major cause needed support. My Linked In profile is full of these and is probably the reason I have been honoured with invitations to no less than 3 Royal Garden Parties!
It is one reason My Wonderful Life Coach™ is a Lifetime Global Partner with www.b1g1.com the Global Giving Initiative. We are a When Good…Then Good….Business
Whenever something Good happens in our business we Do something Good in the World! So for example, every copy of this book purchased, whether it covers the cost or not, plants a fruit tree for an impoverished family in Malawi to provide nutrition and income and each book also provides access to books and education for girls in Cambodia. This will only stop when we are told -it is enough!
Furthermore, for every place purchased on the Destination Me™ Intensive programme, working through the 6 Steps over 6 weeks, that launches early October, we gift a complete Buddy Bag to a child in emergency care in the UK as a result of domestic abuse or violence.
The Buddy Bag Foundation idea was first generated by Karen Williams, the Founder, during her Vital Vision™ Blueprint Session and it is exciting to see it start, develop and establish and we are proud to support this wonderful foundation at every opportunity.
You talk a lot about Vision. Why is that important to you? What’s that all about?
Vision, as in the ability to see, without sight but in the imagination, is a most powerful force! And there are 4 Essential Keys to make your #Vision unstoppable:
1. When you #Imagine and see it clearly in your mind and set it in your subconscious
2. When you truly #Believe in your #Vision
3. When it is aligned with your #Values
4. When you birth it into the world through a #Blueprint
I believe:
“When You Have A Powerful, Exciting and Crystal-Clear Vision For How You Can Change Your Life And Your World, Everything Changes. And THAT’S When The Magic! Happens!
My Vision is for a happy, purposeful, abundant, sustainable and Wonderful World. I believe there are many people who think the same way and my purpose is to show them how to create this. When we create this for ourselves we are planting another seed in changing the world for better – for all of us.
You’ve Got This! No Matter What! 6 Steps to Reinvent Your Life! Is LIVE on Pre-order right now at the special launch price offer for a Limited Time Only. Click here for more: https://www.mywonderfullifecoach.co.uk/youvegotthis
Happy to give interviews. New podcast interview with Mel Colling, Director and Founder, Purpose Driven Projects, Experts on Air Podcast about to be shared next…
Have a Wonderful Day,
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