So TODAY! We are busy setting up the gifting detailed in this #book. For every copy sold , through our Lifetime Global Partnership with , we committed to plant a fruit tree in Malawi to provide nourishment and income for an impoverished family PLUS access to books and education for girls in Cambodia. We are delighted that thanks to every one of our reader/buyers we are able to make good on that promise from today!
REMINDER! STOP! Right Now! Do You Want a Better World? Then I’ve a Wonderful and Valuable FREE Gift to Share with YOU! It’s entitled ‘OUR TIME TO RISE!’ and I’m SO Excited! I just can’t hide it!…. #Vision #Believe #Achieve – Only 2 Days to sign up!
Because that’s when we’ll be giving you a pre-publication copy of that brilliant new book. It’s called Our time to RISE, and it explains how you can create a better world in step-by-step detail.
And it’s also when we’ve arranged for the authors, our friends Steve Pipe and Paul Dunn, to personally show you how to make it all work brilliantly well in your business.
Wow! Brilliant News! I’m SO Excited I just Can’t Hide It. Something Amazing Happened! Founder Karen Williams’ Buddy Bag Foundation, Making a (BIG) Difference to Children in Emergency Care, is NOW Live with Global #B1G1 Business For Good!
Have a Look at this to discover what the fuss is all about!! quick video here and check out Buddy Bag Foundation on B1G1 to see for yourself how Amazing these little back packs full of needs, treasures and promise are….. for a child who has been dragged from home, with only the clothes they are wearing, as a result of domestic abuse….