Be Calm, Time Out, Relax, Step Back…See the #Wonderful Bigger Picture #Vision

Be Calm, Time Out, Relax, Step Back…See the #Wonderful Bigger Picture #Vision When there’s too much to do, too many directions, too many avenues to follow, too many opportunities to take advantage of, in this busy, busy world – Time

STEP ONE – AIM for the Moon – and even Beyond. Everything is Possible

Life is for Living and BIG DREAMS are there for the Making. Dreaming small does you no service at all…in terms of your true potential.

COURAGE! CHANGE is the ONLY Way to Be, Do, Have, More Than You Currently Are…

And what stops us in our tracks? The dreaded #ComfortZone. But The Thing about #ComfortZone is This…. After the initial FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real), when you TAKE ACTION, as things begin to change, you experience a sense of relief


You can find out more about my #VitalVision process in my new book: ‘Woman Power: Strategies for Female Leaders’ Over 30 years I have worked with thousands of entrepreneurs to help them holistically create the life and business of


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