What a difference a day makes. 24 little hours. That’s just enough, often less, to change your whole world, if you are a seeker for the truth of why you are here and how you can live the life you love.ValerieDwyer MainPic for web

Don’t you just LOVE your life and your ‘work’? If not, perhaps it’s not for you! What a thought!  #lifeisnotarehearsal

I’ve been working with someone on creating a new website for My Wonderful Life Coach™ and in the process asked some clients if they would say a few words on video about working with me. Now anyone who knows me knows that I get the biggest ‘kick’ from being a part of someone’s life-change, transformation, helping them to finally get over their challenges, blockages, ‘stuckness’ into their flow and living the life and business that they REALLY LOVE, that they were born to, that’s their true purpose and their WHY?

You may have seen already what the #amazing Michele Walsh, AKA Ms MoneyMaker said in this short video Michele Walsh Says

Now the words are in from another #amazing woman, the extremely modest  Karen Williams, a Life Changer herself and founder of The Buddy Bag Foundation – the incredible new Charity helping children – that has also already exceeded its goals for 2020 AND proudly has a Girl Guide Badge in the process!!

Here’s what Karen says – Karen Williams says… about ‘What a Difference a Day Makes, 24 Little Hours’.

Who do you recognise that could benefit from a little input to help them turn their life around? Spread the love, share this, and help us all create the Wonderful Life worth Living!




What a Difference a Day Makes! 24 Little Hours! Is Enough to Change Your Life Forever! Feedback Feeds My Soul! Why I LOVE What I Do And It Never Feels Like ‘Work’

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