Little did I know some years ago, when I read the inspirational books ‘Don’t Feed the Ducks!’ and ‘My Fire’s Gone Out!’ (which I likened to ‘Who’s Moved My Cheese’) by Author, Consultant and Speaker Liam O’Connell – and was so impressed that I wrote and published detailed reviews, that one day Liam would read and review my book!!!
But here it is! And I am way past delighted that Liam took the time to do this.
This book is truly the DIY version of my holistic, transformational and experiential live Destination Me™ Intensive VIP Life Change Programme.
Primarily for #entrepreneurs who have experienced success but who are now stuck, or feeling as yet unfulfilled or challenged with their life and may also have issues with their enterprise or business and want the Clarity, Focus and Direction that you get from creating a Blueprint for yourCrystal Clear #Vision and following the routemap to achieve it.
I believe:
“When you have a Powerful, Exciting and Crystal Clear #Vision for How You Can Create Your Life and Your World, Everything Changes. And THAT’S When the Magic! Happens!”
And this is my Why? My purpose in the world. To empower and enable entrepreneurs to take charge and create the life and business they REALLY want.
However, this will work for you regardless or being an entrepreneur, if you get the book, set up your environment as detailed in the Appendices, put in the time, and do all the exercises in the right sequence as you read.
With exercise pages to help you focus on those, there’s no excuse!
Launching in Kindle you’ll have live links to additional/extra resources once you join our community.
FULL DETAILS LIVE! – ANY DAY NOW! – To be announced here and across Social Media! So check back…
Here’s to You creating Your Wonderful Life!